Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pilling Pup #3

We welcomed another pup into our family over the weekend. We had a long weekend of packing and moving into our new home. I was driving to our old place picking up a load of small boxes when this little brown pup ran out in front of my car. I parked my car and followed her into a strangers yard. It took me about 5 mins to get her to trust me than I wrapped her in a sweat shirt and started to look for her owner. I found who her owner "was" but did not take her back due to abuse reasons. 

I noticed she had been limping and was covered in fleas. I called my husband and was waiting for him to say no way!! Before I even had the chance to explain my husband said bring her home. I am so blessed to have such a compassionate loving husband! I brought her home, gave her 4 flea bathes or what I thought would rid her of the fleas. I used two different shampoo's that claimed it killed fleas. All I did was dry her poor skin out :(  We took her to the Vet the next day updated all her shots and she is flea free! The down side we found out she has a leg injury that requires Surgery. We are in the process of setting up a date so we can fix her poor leg. She has fit right into our family and is a HUGE daddy's girl. 

All 4 of our animals are rescue's but to be honest they rescued me!

I named her Fawn because she looks just like a baby deer 

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