Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My bucket list

A good bit of my bucket list has been crossed off but I still have some things I would like to do and see in my lifetime.

Travel outside the United States

Stand on an MLB field 

Watch the ball drop in times square on New Years

See the Macy's day Thanksgiving parade in NYC

Ride an Elephant 

Have my own child

Swim with Dolphins 

Visit Ireland 

Volunteer in Africa for free 

Buy my mother a diamond 

Float in the dead sea

Write a book 

Paint a picture 

Cliff jump

Send a letter in a bottle 

Go zip ling 

Jump out of a plane 

Explore a castle 

Have the courage to swim out in the ocean 

Be in the middle of the smoky mountains 

See Alaska 

Kiss a monk on the head and be blessed

Monday, July 30, 2012

Easy Salmon Cakes

 Any Canned Salmon 

I used a Griddle 

Pick out all the bones and take off skin 

Olive Oil in pan 
1/2 cup Bread crumbs 
 1 Onion 
1 Celery stick 
2 Eggs 
1 tbs Pepper 
 Sesame Seeds as many as you desire 

Placed Onion in food processor 

as well as the Celery 

Everything placed together 


Make into patties 
Place in pan and cook until golden brown 


Sending my love out into the world

Once a week I am going to be sending 3 love letters to 3 family members/friends. I am so also writing 3 love letters and taking them out to random places for strangers to find. We need more love in the world and I am going by my favorite quote "Be the change you want to see in the world". My husband and I write love letters to one another on a daily basis and it is such a beautiful feeling to know you are loved the old school way. I have also signed up a random friend to receive letters of hope through the mail. 

Do your part and spread your love. The love you give is the love you receive and I want to be loved as much as I can be. 

Daily thought

We must be willing to go let go of the life we have planned, So we can have the life that is waiting for us. 

The boys

Marley the lover 

Rocky being a camera snob and Bo bo the serious one 

Say yes to water.

Make boring water fun. 
Just add ice,fruit and BAM you have yummy natural water!

Enjoy and yes NO to soda and artificial sweeteners 

All natural way?

I have been feeling a bit under the weather the past 2 days and figured I would try taking the natural route instead of the OTC cold/flu medicine that contain Acetaminophen and Phenylephrine HCI. 

I am using good old Orange juice,hot pack and Sambucol.

Sambucol contains Black Elderberry. This berry has a strong heritage and was referred to as "Medicine chest" by Hippocrates (400 BC). Egyptians had these berries buried with them and the Greeks took them into battle to keep their army well. Elderberry extract has been used for centuries by herbalists and is renowned for its ability to destroy infectious cold and flu viruses. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hike in style.... "Heels"?

Teva sandals is now taking the gamble that the fashion-conscious adventurers can go straight from the Appalachian Trail, to the trendiest Soho bar, without having to change.

The heels, a creation of Teva and NY-based clothing company Grey Ant, are available in two styles: “Worlds Unite” (aka black and white) and “Natural” (aka tan) and retail for the low-low price of $330.00.  Gentle sarcasm right there…

And these sky-high heels aren’t just for hitting the trails or the late night clubs. Judging by the pics, they’re also awesome for letting loose on some afternoon landscaping.

April honeymoon

My husband and I are taking our honeymoon come this spring. We are going to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. We are camping in the backwoods and excited to explore the trails. We share the love and hobby for hiking and exploring the outdoors. We are super excited for our Great Smokey get away! 


Pictures to follow.....

Weight lose

It started off as losing 5 pounds and has turned into a total life change. 


Olympic opening ceremony=Living room camping in our house!

Tea and Candle fire

Thursday, July 26, 2012

One of my fur-babies

Trouble a gal's perfect side kick.

Ready for the GREAT outdoors

My awesome husband Scott surprised me this afternoon with the purchase of our very 1st Kelty Pack. We are heading into the mountains this coming weekend as official hikers! I will make sure I post pictures of our adventures with this new pretty pack. 

Eating right is simple!

Easy healthy lunch

Ninja is my hero!
1/4 cup of milk
1/2 tbs of Naturally More peanut butter
1/2 cup of Granola
1/2 Banana 
4 Strawberries 

1/2 Tofu link
1/2 tbs of Olive Oil 

Cook together on stove in small pan until the Tofu is done


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Evening Giggle.....

: )

Soul level.

The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.

New blog

Stay tuned....