Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Life before my family is an instant blur and I don't know how I ever lived without my boys? They make my heart a thankful heart and they are home.

Happy 9 Years to Me!

9 years ago today I was waking up from major liver and kidney surgery. I spent a year of my life in and out of the hospital every week. After 4 MRI's,3 Biopsy's, 2 CAT scans,4 admissions into the hospital and a dozen of blood test's they figured out what was wrong. Going in for such a major surgery at such a young age was the most terrifying experience of my life. I woke up from surgery with my family around me, a team of amazing nurses and one very special doctor. 

9 years later I am here to say I am happy,healthy and very lucky! I am proud of the scars I wear and I will never hide them.

Monday, September 24, 2012


4 Soul Ways to Support Yourself When Life Gets Crazy

1. Invite love in.
Most of us spend our lives searching and striving – searching for love and acknowledgement, and striving for the happiness we often don’t recognise in our lives as they currently are.
We always have the power to invite (self) love in.
When you’re feeling topsy-turvy, frazzled, scared or alone, take a moment and drink from that deep inner well of wisdom (it’s in us all) and silently invite love in to your life. Rewire stale old limiting beliefs with the simple, peaceful mantra: “I am loved and I am enough.”
Hanging out in that soul-full expanse getting juiced up on self-love and empowerment always opens the floodgates. Write it on your heart that THIS is the standard of love you want for yourself and your life – every day. No matter what.

2. Get yourself a Box o’ Bliss.

There’s something symbolic about gathering the things that make you feel supported when you need to get the energy flowing in your life again, so build your Heart (Re)starter Kit, Vitality Vessel, Resource for Radiance today (silly name optional).
Grab a blank journal and write the vision for your ideal life. Go wild with affirmations, a list of 50 things you’re grateful for, intentions that make your heart race, a self-love list entitled Ways I’m Awesome. Gather any or all of the following: scented candles, your vision board, a block of the finest chocolate you can get your hands on, healing crystals, vitamins, books, photos of you smiling, an iPod filled with meditation tracks and sweet tunes.
Once you’re done, pull it all together and store it in a safe place. This box o’ bliss is your sanctuary. Dip in as required.

3. Do a mental spring clean.
I want you to visualise something for a moment. Imagine extending your arm out in front of you, curving your hand to the right and sweeping everything that’s on your plate right now off onto the floor. Off go the mountain of emails in your inbox, the commitments, the never-ending piles of work. Expectations shatter.
How good would that feel? No really – HOW GOOD WOULD THAT FEEL? My guess is pretty terrific.
If you could hypothetically clear your bulging, bloated plate in one fell swoop, what would you add back on again, bit by well-considered bit? More importantly, what would you add back on again that would gently nurture your mind-body-spirit?
Take a moment to have a think about where you’re blocked and what feels cluttered for you right now and ask yourself honestly:
• Where do I feel depleted?
• What do I need more of?
• What do I need less of?
Let the extraneous stuff slide off to make room for the essentials.

4. Think about the power you’re giving your inner critic.
Hands up if you’re more likely to listen to your inner critic than her quieter, less brash but infinitely wiser counterpart, your inner cheerleader?
I think we could all throw at least one hand in the air, so next time that hostile inner voice pipes upgive her a personality. Pretend she’s a deluded friend, or a misguided Negative Nancy who’s simply looking to be loved.
Given she’s prone to being a bit of a downer, distance yourself from her when you’re feeling low, vulnerable or out of your comfort zone. Create that space – her over there and you here, in the now, with all the facts. With strong boundaries in tow to protect your tender, sensitive self, cautiously tune in to what she’s saying and ask:

Daily Affirmation

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back where I come from...

I thought I would share some pictures with everyone from my little hometown of Biglerville PA. Most people do not know I grew up on a 127 acre farm outside of town. I went to a small school with a John Deere dealership across the street and we had just a stop sign in the middle of town. We now have two stop lights in town which was a huge deal when it happened. I will never forget the phone calls from friends about the 2nd stop light. Everyone knows one another and good luck keeping things from your parents! We are also proudly Apple Capital USA and getting the 1st day of hunting season off school is just normal to us. The nearest gas station is in the next town over and our mall is about 30a mins away. We had bonfires at our school every Friday night during home football games. During Senior year I actually had the chance to use the excuse of "There were cows in the road" and my teacher never questioned (It was true). I'm a proud small town kinda gal!

Middle of town

Daily Reminder

Simply Beautiful

What I'm loving!

Here are a few things at this moment that I love!